How the Play has been Received

Robert WilliamsI once read that it will take no less than 300 years to heal from the event of the Holocaust. That is about 12 generations. It’s been only 71 years.

I wrote this play with the intent of sharing the tragedy of the Holocaust from a new angle—that of unsung heroes who achieved transcendence by fighting for the lives of others during that dark time. My original intent has been suddenly augmented and transformed by our incredibly successful run.

Our audiences’ reactions were outstanding,  beyond my most optimistic expectations.

So many  were moved to tears and taken so deeply into the story that they had difficulty leaving their seats and the end of the play. Many shared with me that they felt the play had the power to heal old wounds.

I never planned for this to be the result of watching [Unknown Heoes], but so many urged us to please continue to share this play.

Robert Williams

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