A Better World – Radio TV Media


When my friend and colleague, David Katzmire, who has been on A Better World Radio & TV numerous times, told me about this theater piece that his friend Robert Williams directed, I did go to West 42nd St. to see it. And I’m glad I did. Painful as it was, it was a very interesting, personal portrayal of a slice of life during Nazi Germany, of personal relationships, including one with an SS officer. Very skillfully written, directed and acted, I felt that this piece should have a much larger audience. The director, Robert Williams, appeared as a guest on A Better World Radio when we were on Progressive Radio Network, and in short, A Better World wanted to support this powerful theatrical experience.

We saw it last night. No words. So powerful and hits you where you live and breathe. You’ll remember how God-awful the Holocaust was and the beauty, even there, between humans looking out for one another, their lives at risk. Oh yes, do go see this play, and help to support off Broadway theater.

Mitchell Rabin – Founder of A Better World

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